Advanced level exercises

Advanced level exercises

Exercise 5: Passive-dynamic correction by stretching big toes with an elevation of the lower limbs

Starting position:
Lying position with lower limbs raised above the floor, knees bent. Big toes inserted into the loops. The inner sides of the feet surround the ball. Plantar side of the feet perpendicular to the floor.

Description of the exercise:
Move the inner sides of heels closer. Try to touch them together to the rod. Adjust the loop diameters so that after joining the heels you feel a slight stretching of the adductor hallucis muscles (big toes pulled towards the rod and away from the second toes).

Hold the heels together for 6-8 s. Then pause the exercise for about 5-10 s and relax your foot muscles.

Number of repetitions: 10-15

In this exercise, in the initial phase (until the moment of starting squeezing the ball), the adductor muscles of the big toes are passively stretched. In the passive phase, an anty-valgus (varus) force is generated of both big toes based on a lever mechanism with a support point at the level of the first metatarsal heads.
Further approaching the heels towards the rod up to their connection causes the elastic ball to squeeze, which in turn generates the resistance and strengthening force of the big toes abductor muscles.
In addition, vastus medialis muscles are strengthened important in stabilizing the knee joint, a group of adductor muscles of the hip, external rotator muscles of the hips, i.e. the gluteus muscles and abdominal muscles.

Exercise 6: Dynamic correction of longitudinal arches with elevations of the lower limbs.

Starting position:
Lying down position with raised lower limbs, knees bent. Toes inserted into the loops. The plantar sides of the feet facing each other surround the ball (supination position). Rod in the median plane of the body.

Description of the exercise *:
Bring the plantar sides of the feet closer together, squeezing the ball. Try to keep the ball squeezed for a few seconds, then return to the starting position for about 5-10 s.

Number of repetitions: 5-10

The components of the “tendonous stirrup” are dynamically strengthened in this exercise. The balance between peroneus longus muscle and posterior tibial muscle is restored. Also between peroneus brevis muscle and tibialis anterior muscle.
A longitudinal arch (flatfoot correction) and transverse arch (correction of the transversely flat foot and hallux valgus) are shaped.
The medial head of the calf triceps muscle is also strengthened by reducing the valgus heel position (correction of the flat-valgus foot).
In addition, vastus medialis muscles are strengthened important in stabilizing the knee joint, a group of adductor muscles of the hip, external rotator muscles of the hips, i.e. the gluteus muscles and abdominal muscles