Fitness with the use of the HalluxSTOP
Exercise 1: "Z" position. Correction of foot deformities with strengthening the thighs, buttocks, and abdominal muscles in the knees flexion position.
Starting position:
Lying position. The lumbar spine adheres to the mat. The apparatus HalluxSTOP is put on the feet. The medial elevations of the feet surround the ball. Rod in the median plane of the body. Heels close to the rod, big toes stretched to the limit of pain (passive-dynamic function). Lower limbs raised up with the bent knees at an angle of 90 degrees and hip joints bent at an angle of 70 degrees.

Exercise description:
Lower the bent knees towards the floor by gently touching with heels.
Number of repetitions: 5-10
Exercise 2: "Candle position" Correction of foot deformities and strengthening of thighs, buttocks, and abdominal muscles in the knees extension position.
Starting position:
Lying position. The lumbar spine adheres to the mat. Lower limbs vertically raised. The apparatus HalluxSTOP is put on the feet. The feet set in an intermediate position (between supination and pronation). The medial elevations of the feet surround the ball. Rod in the median plane of the body. Heels close to a rod.

Exercise description:
Lower the vertically raised lower limbs to a height of 45 degrees above the floor. Then return to the starting position.
Number of repetitions: 5-10
Exercise 3: 'frog position'. The correction of Plano-valgus feet and in the so-called residual hip dysplasia and strengthening of abdominal muscles.
Starting position:
Do the so-called frog position. The apparatus HalluxSTOP is put on the feet. The plantar sides of the feet facing each other surround the ball (feet in supination). Rod in the median plane of the body.
Hip joints maximally in abduction position (angle depending on individual possibilities) and knees bent to an angle of approx. 90st-100st. (depending on individual knees flexion).

Exercise description:
Lift the shoulder blades and at the same time lift the feet above the floor, flexing the abdominal muscles and pressing the lumbar spine to the mat. Then return to the starting position.
Number of repetitions: 5-10
Exercise 4: "Chair position". Correction of foot deformities and strengthening of thighs, buttocks, back (so-called postural muscles).
Starting position:
Standing position, knees slightly bent, hands joined, bent at elbows in front of you. The apparatus HalluxSTOP put on the feet. The medial elevations of the feet surround the ball. Big toes in the loops slightly strained in the abduction position. Rod in the median plane of the body. Heels close to a rod.

Exercise description:
Do squats, pulling your hips back while trying to lower them up to knees, as if you wanted to sit on something. The knees in this exercise must not extend before the big toes.
Exercise can be done with the feet slightly set on the outer edges (in supination) instead of the plantar facing the floor (especially recommended for people with the so-called low instep), which makes it easier to hold the elastic ball.
Number of repetitions: 10-20